Pomegranate Helps Fight Aging Process; You Can Look Young Like a Celebrity

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Dec 26, 2016 09:34 PM EST

Pomegranates are proven to be the real super food - a claim that once was considered to be not substantial. Scientists have discovered new facts about pomegranate which make it almost scientifically certain that pomegranate can counter act aging. So, you can look young like a celebrity.

Scientists from EPFL, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, have explored the contents of pomegranate and for the surprise of the "aging" world they have found a molecule called "urolithin A" in pomegranate that goes through transformation process in the guts which enables the muscle cells stay safe from one of the biggest causes of aging, writes World Health.

The trials are underway to find out more about this process but the study done on animals has shown amazing results. General News Medicine has published the initial findings of the study.

Scientists from EPFL and Amazentis, a clinical stage biotech company, have taken a closer look at the many secret facts of this red plump fruit.

The experimental study involved rodents and nematodes and the results are surprisingly amazing. Human clinical study is under way and it is expected that the results of the experiments will be as amazing as it were in animals.

What is Aging Process?

The cells in the body struggle to recycle their power supply centers named mitochondria. These little compartments remain no longer strong enough to carry out their dynamic function.  Eventually, degradation starts which affects several tissues inclusive of muscle tissues which start weakening and continue to grow weaker. This dysfunction of mitochondria is doubted to play a role in other aging diseases also like Parkinson's disease, reports News Mediacom.

How Aging Process is Bulwarked?

The study revealed that the molecule from the pomegranate enables the cells to recycle the defective mitochondria. Patrick Aebischer, the co-author of the study says the molecule "urolithin A" is completely natural but effects in a considerably powerful manner because it is the only molecule that revives the mitochondria clean-up process.

Human Experimental Trials Underway

Pomegranate is a precursor and not the carrier of that miracle substance. That molecule in the fruit converts into "Urolithin A" by the intestinal microbes. Humans vary greatly in having that microbe in their guts while some do not have it at all. Amazentis has developed a method to deliver finely calibrated doses of urolithin A for those who are unable to make it naturally.

Amazentis is carrying first clinical trials and testing the molecules in humans in hospitals in Europe; the great success of overcoming the aging process is just a few inches away.

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