Six Secrets To Lose Weight: 2017 Can Be The Year To Achieve Sound Health

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Dec 27, 2016 11:57 AM EST

2017 is knocking at the door, and preparation is going to enjoy a new and prosperous year. Even a major portion of the people on this earth is ready to have a New Year's resolution, and one such resolution can be losing weight.

Yes, currently, a huge portion of the crowd is suffering from excess weight or obesity. Several reasons can be there, but the key fact is how can one get rid of the extra weight.

Every year different surveys are performed and each one reveals some different and some common reasons behind this health problem. The most common reasons include food habits, busy lifestyle, lack of sleep, depression and most importantly the absence of activity.

Hormone imbalance can also be another key cause.

Now the million dollar question is how one can lose weight. The New Year is coming and every individual wants to maintain a good health and this needs some procedures and activities.

Procedures and activities to lose weight:

1. Change eating habits:

Improper eating habits is a great cause for gaining extra weight in the body. Overeat always slows down the activeness of metabolism and this ultimately stores the unused calorie in the body. So it is necessary to consume the proper amount of food. Overeating should be avoided strictly.

2.Prepare a list of foods:

Experts and doctors always recommend food that can help to maintain a sound health. Foods that contain sufficient amounts of protein and fiber are always preferable as they can help to burn calories properly in the body. Junk food, oily food, and foods that are full of fat should be avoided.

3.Exercise is necessary to lose weight:

Physical activity can be a great help to prevent obesity and to lose extra weight. Sound health is considered as one of the precious jewels of human life and every day exercise is the best way to achieve that.

Extra weight in the body can create many health problems and exercises can release that extra weight and prevent many health problems. Every day at least two times of physical exercise should be included in the regular physical activity.

4. Monitor the progress:

It is necessary to set an aim to lose weight, and for this, it is important to track the regular progress. Some easy procedures can help to know the progress, like measuring the body weight, increasing physical activity, less tiredness while performing essential works and several others.

5. Get sufficient amount of sleep:

 Sources from National Institutes of Health report that insufficient amount of sleep is very harmful, as it increases the appetite-stimulating hormone, ghrelin that ultimately enhances the hunger. The result is it can be difficult to maintain a strict diet chart.

6. Take advice from health expert:

Health experts can provide proper advice regarding the proper way to lose weight. They even make the patients familiar with the benefits of a sound health. But it should also be noted that before attending an expert it is necessary to become conscious and mentally strong to achieve the goal of reducing weight.

Avoid weight-loss supplements and prefer to live a normal life. Wiley Online Library reveals that some supplements still use some banned stimulant which can ultimately create a great health problem.

Every single individual should know that medicine is the last option, so it is better to try the normal procedures with a normal lifestyle. An active and normal lifestyle must bring a sound health in the New Year, 2017. 

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