‘Deadpool 2’ Latest News & Update: Pierce Brosnan, Hugh Jackman May Join Cast In Next Movie Sequel

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Jan 19, 2017 03:09 PM EST

The antihero film, "Deadpool" is the highest grossing X-men film to date. With the filming of "Deadpool 2" being pushed ahead of time, several speculations have already spread that some major X-men characters may appear in the movie to prepare for a bigger X-men film that will feature a whole ensemble of superhero mutants

However, before the smoke turns into fire, "Deadpool 2" screenwriters Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick have already put a stop to the rumors. In an interview with collider, Reese and Wernick discussed why fans won't be seeing A-list X-men in "Deadpool 2"

Reese and Wernick have shunned the idea of adding a bunch of A-list X-men to make a cameo in "Deadpool 2" stating that they both prefer to introduce lesser-known characters in the film. Reese even quipped that viewers wouldn't want to see a Ferrari in "Deadpool" not unless it is for a real purpose.

The screenwriters were, however, quick to state that they are not completely shutting their doors to the occasional A-list character cameos. Reese said that having the occasional cameo may add humor and drama to "Deadpool 2" but they will not be adding characters just because they can.

"Deadpool" himself, Ryan Reynolds, has been very vocal about his eagerness to have Hugh Jackman's Wolverine in the fold. However, Jackman has already said in the past that "Logan" will be the last time for him to put on his claws.

The end credit scene of "Deadpool" has already confirmed the appearance of Cable in "Deadpool II". Cable is a mutant from the future and the son of X-men's Cyclops.

In a recently posted picture of Ryan Reynolds on his Instagram account, Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman are seen sitting beside Pierce Brosnan with the three doing the, see no evil, hear no evil and speak no evil pose. This led fans to speculate that Brosnan will be playing Cable in "Deadpool 2"

 Wolvie. Bond. Wade.

A photo posted by Ryan Reynolds (@vancityreynolds) on Jan 17, 2017 at 2:03am PST

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