Taking Supplements: Knowing When It's Necessary And Why

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Feb 01, 2017 10:16 PM EST

There is a significant increase in the use of multivitamins and it has addressed a big concern. Several studies show that while taking supplements are ideal, eating a balanced diet can better give the body the needed nutrients. However, not most people are able to commit themselves to the so-called "healthy eating." Still, this does not necessarily mean that a person should go for an alternative approach. Before popping pills, it's best to initially ask: "Do you need to take supplements?"

Head of nutrition at Healthspan Rob Hobson has provided guidelines for those who are planning to take supplements and this involves several considerations most especially if the person has a special case or is obviously needing key nutrients such as calcium, iron and zinc.

For example, pregnant women or those who are planning to be pregnant should focus on having adequate folic acid, especially in the first three months. It is also best for pregnant women to have vitamin D for bone health. Meanwhile, those who are thinking of becoming fathers should also prioritize having sufficient zinc and vitamin C to promote better reproductive health and sperm quality.

As for those who consider themselves vegan, planning the meals properly can be an important step to healthy living. However, those who are new to this healthy lifestyle are at also at risk of missing nutrients like B12, calcium, iron, omega 3, and zinc. While these nutrients can be taken by improving the diet, vegans may still take advantage from supplements such as omega-3 as they will benefit from it, Daily Mail reported. 

Adults who are over 50 should also put proper concentration on their nutrients as they are likely to develop health concerns such as bone loss. Therefore, supplements that contain vitamin D and calcium come in handy.

While supplements clearly provide key nutrients that are missed through improper diet, Dr. Hyman's blog suggests that it's still best to talk with a physician to properly address a person's unique needs.

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