5 Surprising Steps to Live Longer

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Feb 10, 2017 10:51 AM EST

Tons of information are made available online on how to live longer. There's one recent scientific research, however, that presented five easy steps worth exploring on how to expand a person's life span.

1. Drink Coffee

The benefits of drinking coffee are still debatable. However, there are health benefits of coffee that were revealed in a Vogue article. While the research made by the Stanford University researchers revealed that the coffee containing anti-inflammatory properties, is a good anti-aging effect. Mark Davis, co-senior author said that surprisingly their team found out the correlation between caffeine consumption and having a longer life.

2. Be Social Media Savvy

Oddly enough, this is contrary to a popular belief on the effect of social media in one person's life. But according to the new research, the time spent on social media, especially on Facebook, because people who have a stronger social network are the one who tends to live longer.

3. Get Little Sun

The common belief about sun exposure leads to a higher risk of having skin cancer, however, recent study found an accurate link between incidental sunbathing and longevity. Last year, 30,000 Swedish women who exposed themselves with the sun showed that there is a decrease in heart disease which may lead to a higher risk of having a longer life.

4. Add Spice

If eating spicy food is life this might a surprising fact to have a longer life, the University of Vermont discovered that the consumption of hot red chili peppers has a correlation with a 13 percent reduction in total mortality. This could also be beneficial in the treatment of gut health and prevent obesity.

5. Choose to be a Vegan (-ish)

The team of researchers from the Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital revealed the mystery behind plant protein. The study found that choosing plant protein such as beans, legumes than processed red meat could lead to have longer life

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