Batman and Bats: 4 Reasons Why They Are Identical

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Feb 13, 2017 10:13 AM EST

When it comes to public awareness 1,000 bat species can be found worldwide and unknowingly it makes up the quarter of all mammal species on earth. One more thing, bats are like superheroes -- bats often fly under the radar.

Recently as Lego Batman premiered last weekend, there's this thinking "In what ways are bats really like Batman?" in Weird Animal Question of the Week. Here are the following reasons why they are similar.

Bats wear masks as Batman do

Out of 1,400 known bat species, the wrinkled-faced bat of Columbia, Venezuela that has a scientific name, Centurio Senex, is the weirdest of all in the world. According to Rob Mies, director of the organization of Bat Conservation, this wrinkled-faced bat has the ability to make its own mask. See video below:

Bats adopt orphans as Batman adopts Robin

In the famous story, Batman had Robin, also known as his young ward, Dick Grayson. Likewise, in Central and South America, nursing vampire bats are found wherein their behavior will benefit the whole bat colony.

Bats have a sense of justice as Batman does

The Vampire bats share their food, but they are picky with whom they'll share it. They do this kind of justice through regurgitation of a blood meal for other bats who did not get to feed at the same time study showed that bats will eventually remember those bats that have been generous to them in the past and will share more readily says Merlin Tuttle, founder of Merlin Tuttle's Bat Conservation

Bats have an arch nemesis as Batman's arch rival with Joker

The U.S Geological Survey estimated that 80 percent of the bat population in northeastern U.S. died due to a deadly fungus called "white-nose syndrome." Human has been an arch enemy with the bats by killing them indiscriminately. However, by planting gardens that attract nighttime insects or building bat house will eventually benefit the bat colony.

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