Anti-Ageing Decoded: These Superfoods Transform Your Skin Into A Smooth, Supple, Radiant All-in-One!

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Feb 14, 2017 02:44 AM EST

It's no secret how most people want to have smooth, glowing skin. It's also fair to say that everyone knows how consuming the right food can bring one closer to its skin goals. While there is no magic in reducing wrinkles away, there are basics that are easy to follow and it involves consuming food such as fruits, veggies, and many more.

Oats are known tp be good for the heart and it also helps in the prevention of damage to skin cells while soothing skin irritation. Oranges also aid in anti-ageing as it is loaded with water. Aside from hydrating the skin and cells, it is also a great source of vitamin C, a nutrient associated with collagen production. This is the component that helps in making the skin supple.

Another fruit that makes the skin radiant and smooth is the avocado. According to WebMD, these fruits are filled with monounsaturated fat which is the healthy type of fat. It keeps the skin hydrated while helping it absorb essential vitamin s and nutrients that the skin needs. Aside from fruits, a handful of Brussels sprouts also helps in anti-ageing as it is packed with vitamins A and C, and folate. Together with a help from sun protecting agents, this vegetable prevents further sun damage.

Meanwhile, there are also meats that help skin age slowly such as lean beef. "Lean beef, such as top sirloin, is a great way to get high-quality protein," an expert suggests. Protein helps in collagen production. A serving of salmon also aids in having the dream skin as it is one of the best ways to provide omega-3 fats in the diet. It also stops the growth in of skin cancer cells.

In addition, having a Mediterranean diet, as Prevention reported, helps reduce the rates of cognitive decline and the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. It also protects against melanoma which is known to be the deadliest form of skin cancer.

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