Kellyanne Conway Black-listed From Appearing In Popular TV Show 'Morning Joe' Find Out Here!

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Feb 27, 2017 11:44 AM EST

Kellyanne Conway will no longer appear on the MSNBC's popular TV show "Morning Joe", said her co-host Mika Brzezinski during the program last week. Kellyanne Conway is presently working as a counselor to the US President Donald Trump.

According to The Washington Post, Mika Brzezinski announced in the Wednesday's TV show last week that Kellyanne Conway will no longer host the "Morning Joe" TV alongside her due to lack of credibility. "I won't do it, because I don't believe in fake news or information that's not true," Brzezinski said. "Every time I've ever seen her on television, something is askew, off, or incorrect."

Kellyanne Conway is a staunch supporter of Trump policies including the recent ban on 7 countries in the new immigration order. As per Fortune, Kellyanne Conway raised the "Bowling Green Massacre" presumably happened during Obama administration in 2011. But, the massacre has never happened and she has become fodder for jokes and it quickly became a trending topic on social media websites like Twitter and Facebook.

It appears that Kellyanne Conway has been booking slots for TV show "Morning Joe" as a medium to display her presence through unsupported facts. Mika Brzezinski stated that Kellyanne Conway is not an active member in the Trump meetings and she doesn't have credible information on the latest happenings.

Another co-host Joe Scarborough has also backed Mika Brzezinski's comments on Kellyanne Conway and added that "she's out of loop". Although Kellyanne Conway is a spokesperson in the White House, she knows little about facts. On Feb. 14, she appeared on "Today" TV show, and she again gave misinformation about Michael Flynn's resignation story. The story just didn't add up to the events as they unfolded.

The 50-year old political activist, Kellyanne Conway has been successful in campaigning for Donald Trump during his run-up for the Presidency. After becoming President, Trump has officially appointed her as the Counselor to the President.

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