7 Most Effective Home Remedies to Remove Eye Bags and Puffy Eyes Naturally; Ways to Do it Here

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Feb 21, 2017 02:43 AM EST

Nobody likes the look of puffy eyes and even those dark circles under the eyes. People had used eye creams and didn’t have an effective result while other people doesn’t have enough money to spend on expensive creams. Fortunately, reports reveal effective home remedies to remove those unwanted eye bags and puffy eyes.

NDTV reported that one of the obvious reasons behind those eye bags under the eyes is the lack of sleep. Stress is also pointed to be the cause of sleeplessness. Another reason for those puffy eyes is said to be spending too much time using the computer. Yet, some dark circles and puffy eyes are identified to be caused by genes.

According to Boldsky, Cold metal spoons could help remove those unwanted puffy eyes. It was said that the instructions are to use cold spoons one must place it in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. Afterward, place the cold spoon on the eyes until it reaches room temperature. Thus, a spare spoon is also advised in order to switch the spoons.

Cucumbers are also said to help remove puffy eyes as well. Its astringent properties and enzymes enlighten and tighten the skin thus result to glowing skin. Placing cucumbers for 10 minutes in the ref and putting it under the eyes until not cold anymore is instructed.
In addition, Cold Green Tea Bags with the same procedure as cold metal spoons are also mentioned to remove puffy eyes. Egg whites that are separated from the yellow are also said to be massaged under the eyes and let it stay for 5 minutes and rinse it after could help as well.

Furthermore, MNN also added that a Buttermilk and turmeric mixture indeed also aids in brushing off dark circles and eye bags. Turmeric is known to lessen inflammation while buttermilk constricts blood vessels. Thus cotton balls soaked in buttermilk sprinkled with turmeric is mentioned to be rested under the eyes for 15 minutes after squeezing excess liquid was advised.

Honey’s antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory benefits are also said to help remove eye bags and puffy eyes too. Dabbing small amounts under the eyes and letting it stay overnight while sleeping and rinsing it in the morning are the instructions given.

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