'Wikileaks' Uncovers The Secrets Behind 'CIA' Phone, Computer Hacking

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Mar 11, 2017 10:59 AM EST

As a result of deregulated archives, "WikiLeaks" revealed that some former US government hackers and contractors managed to illegally access one of the major "CIA", or the Central Intelligence Agency, hacking tools. These files, which they called "Vault 7", contain over 9,000 immensely confidential information acquired through hacking and spying. These sensitive documents comprise emails, computer logs, and other communications. The tool can also access televisions and modernized vehicles. Basically, all compiled data on the devices, including encrypted messages sent to and by people outside the United States via secured apps like WhatsApp, Telegram, and Signal, according to
The Independent.

Meanwhile, Daily Mail reported that the CIA refused to release a statement regarding the credibility of alleged "WikiLeaks" documents. However, the agency tendered their duty to gather secret information from overseas for the sake of America's safety and welfare in an innovational and most advanced way. It is their obligation to secure the country from antagonists, aggressive nations, and terrorists.

As stated by CNET, since the CIA hacking tools were able to intrude our portable devices, it can actually turn our smartphones, laptops, or even TVs into listening devices. Just imagine yourself carrying a piece of spying device which allows the agency to monitor you anytime -- your location, people you talked with, messages, and so on. It is believed that the agency could hack our gadgets through their operating systems. Furthermore, some large multinational companies such as Apple Inc., Samsung, Microsoft Corporation, etc. were struggling to find its way out from this matter.

While Samsung claimed that it is scrutinizing the said hacking tools, Motorola and Google did not release any statement regarding WikiLeaks. Apple and LG, on the other hand, had given their remarks about the issue. The latter emphasized the clientele's rights of privacy and protection. Apple Inc. encouraged their consumers to upgrade their devices to the most recent iOS to achieve latest security updates. Stay tuned for more news and updates about the new "WikiLeaks."

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