Colds Remedies & Treatment: Fastest Ways to Cure Virus

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Mar 10, 2015 07:42 AM EDT

There is no official cure for the common cold, but there are some remedies and treatments that can help with a stuffy nose or sore throat. The following is a list of cold remedies and treatments. 

#1: Eat Healthy Food 

According to Local Syr, there are certain foods that can help alleviate a cold. Kelly Springer, who is a registered dietitian, says, "Some people think it's better to stay away from food in general and that's not true you need calories." 

Springer states that eating healthy food will make the body feel better. The site advises to stay away from foods high in fat during a cold because it can lower the body's immunity.  It recommends eating foods that are high on Vitamin C, like strawberries and oranges. It is also best to consume warm foods such as, tea, soup, and oatmeal.   

#2: Gargle Salt Water 

A good remedy to help relieve the pain from a sore throat is to gargle salt water, states Metro in the UK. The site recommends mixing half a teaspoon into a warm glass of water, then gargling every six to eight hours.  

#3: Drink Plenty of Fluids 

Web MD advises people to drink plenty of fluids to break up the congestion caused by the cold. The site states that drinking fluids, like water or juice, will help keep the body hydrated and the throat moist. It is recommended that people drink 8 to 10 glasses of fluid everyday. 

Metro adds that drinking orange juice will boost the vitamin C levels of the body. The vitamin can help fight off a cold because it's a natural decongestant.  

#4: Have Some Chicken Soup 

According to Metro, chicken soup contains cysteine, which is similar to a bronchitis medication that helps reduce inflammation.  

The site adds that salty broths, like chicken soup, can help thin mucus. Meanwhile, protein from the chicken boosts the body's immunity by producing antibodies that fight off the illness.  

#7: Inhale Steam 

For a stuffy nose and congestion, Web MD recommends inhaling steam. The easiest way to do this is to run a hot shower and close the bathroom door.  

Another way is to pour boiling water into a bowl and to slowly breath in the fumes from the bowl. The site adds that a humidifier or saline nasal spray will also help with congestion.  

#8: Sleep 

Metro suggests giving the body time to rest during a cold. Getting some sleep will help the body gather up the energy needed to fight off a cold.  

In addition, pushing the body, while it is recovering from a cold, could just prolong the illness.  

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