How to Get Abs? 8 Yoga Exercises For A Flat Stomach

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Mar 24, 2015 09:14 AM EDT

Some Yoga exercises can really help achieve that flat stomach everyone wants. Listed below are some yoga positions that will help anyone get those sought-after abs.

#1: Down Dog Into Plank Position 

Brett Larkin, a yoga instructor, shares this position for flat abs with Greatist. Start with the down dog position, which means the body should be in the shape of an inverted "V."  Stretch the legs and bend the knees, before straightening the back into the plank pose.  

#2: The Boat Pose 

Fitbie says the boat pose starts with the body on the floor facing up towards the ceiling. Knees should be bent above the ankles. Then, lean far back, while keeping the feet flat on the floor. After stretch both legs upwards until the body is in the shape of a "V." While in this pose, reach the arms out towards the knees, parallel to the ground. Hold the pose for 10 breaths.  

#3: Bridge Pose 

Women's Health Magazine recommends the bridge pose for flat abs. To do this exercise, lie back on the floor facing the ceiling, with the hands placed flat on the sides of the body. Knees should be bent over the ankles. Push the pelvis up, while keeping the head, feet, arms, and hands flat on the ground. 

#4: Forearm Plank 

Another exercise shared by Brett Larkin is the forearm plank. Face the body towards the floor, with the elbows and toes supporting it. Push up the mid-section of the body into a straight line, while keeping the forearm and hands flat on the floor.  

#5: Side Plank Pose 

Begin in normal plank position, then turn the body to the side, while stretching one arm towards the ceiling. The other arm should be supporting the body. Legs should be on top of each other during this pose, and aligned with the body.  

#6: Bridge Pose Variation 

Women's Health Magazine reports that this pose is similar to the bridge pose. The only exception is that one leg is raised up towards the ceiling at the pelvis is pushed up. Remember to repeat the pose with the other leg.  

#7: Crunches 

To start lay on the floor with knees up and bent. Brett Larkin instructs to keep the head lifted and knees should be aligned above the hip. Larkin also does the bicycle and the pilates V during this exercise as seen in the video below.  

#8: Half Boat Pose 

 This pose follows the same position as the boat pose except that the legs and back are only slightly hover over the ground, in an almost straight line, states Fitbie.

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