8 Sore Throat Soothing Treatments

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Mar 26, 2015 12:37 PM EDT

There are many conditions that cause a sore throat. To name a few, it could be due to a cold, a bacterial infection, or laryngitis. It can be painful but it goes away on its own, according to WebMD. However, you can relieve any itchiness or soreness in your throat with these soothing remedies at home.

1.) Gargle with Salt Water

Gargling a salt water solution made with a few tablespoons of salt in a glass of water is an old remedy used to cure sore throats. The salt kills off any bacteria in the throat and reduces any swelling or soreness, according to ZidBits.

2.) Honey

Honey has antimicrobial properties which makes it an ideal treatment not only for sore throat but also for suppressing coughs, according to Mayo Clinic. Putting honey in tea or warm lemon water could help soothe the throat.

3.) Peppermint

Peppermint is an ingredient often used in breath fresheners but a study from The University of Maryland Medical Center reveals that the menthol found in peppermint is effective in thinning out mucus and soothing sore throats and coughs.

4.) Throat Lozenge

According to Real Simple, zinc lozenges are great for sore throats because it coats the tissue. The ions in the zinc may also halt the virus that can cause a cold.

5.) Fluids

According to Health.com, drinking lots of fluids can really help in keeping mucous membranes moist to be able to fight off any irritants or bacteria. Water is always great but you can also drink a variety of fruit juices that are watered down, herbal tea, and broth.

6.) Marshmallows

If you are not a fan of throat lozenges, eating a couple of marshmallows can also do the trick. According to LifeHacker, the gelatin found in the marshmallow and the sap of the marshmallow root can effectively relief irritation and pain.

7.) Apple Cider Vinegar

The vinegar is made by fermenting apple cider, yeast, and bacteria, and is loaded with nutrients, vitamins, and fiber that are good for the body, according to Home Remedies For Life. The acidity in the apple cider vinegar will kill the bacteria in the throat, helping reduce infections and providing relief.

8.) Rest

Rest is the most viable solution for any illness we feel in our body. According to Health.com, making sure that the body is rested will help in fighting off any virus or bacteria afflicting it.

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