10 Common Running Injuries & Their Prevention

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Mar 31, 2015 08:18 AM EDT

Injuries are common while performing any kind of physical activity especially running because even a slight slip can prove to be dangerous. Ten common injuries that can happen while running and tips to prevent such mishaps are provided in the following.

1. Runner's knee

Runner's knee is the most common form of injury resulting from the overuse or strain on the legs. When the kneecap goes out of alignment, this condition occurs and causes pain during squatting, walking up or down the hill, or sitting with the knee bent for a long time, according to Web MD.

2. Shin splint

Shin splint is caused in the front or inside of the lower leg along the tibia or shin bone. It is common in people with flat foot and is generally caused by changes in the workout regime such as running long distances or increasing the number of running days.

3. Stress fracture

Stress fracture is caused by the small crack in the bone that affects the shin and feet. This condition occurs when one works out too hard before the body gets used to the new activity. It is necessary to stop the exercise right away when pain or discomfort is felt since straining would worsen the injury.

4. Muscle pull

A small tear in the muscle caused by overstretching is called muscle pull or muscle strain. A popping sensation is felt when the muscle is torn.

5. Achilles tendinitis

The inflammation of the Achilles tendon, which is the large tendon that connects the calf to the back of the heel, is called Achilles tendinitis. Stiffness or pain in the tendon is caused by repetitive stress, long out-of-routine running, and morning activity.

6. Ankle sprain

Ankle sprain occurs when the ligaments surrounding the ankle are accidentally stretched or torn due to twisting or rolling the foot inward.

7. IT band syndrome

The IT band is a ligament that runs along the outside of the thigh - from the top of the hip to the outside of the knee. When this ligament rubs the knee bone, the thickening causes inflammation and pain.

8. Plantar fasciitis

It is caused by the inflammation of plantar fasciitis, a thick band of tissue extending from heel to toes, according to Greatist.

9. Blister

Friction between the shoe or socks and skin causes the appearance of fluid filled sacks on the skin surface. This blister is commonly acquired when wearing new shoes.

10. Weather related injuries

Heat exhaustion, sunburn, hypothermia, and frostbite are the most common weather related injuries.

To prevent these injuries, it is necessary to stick to the basics of running which include the following tips:

  • Warm up and cool down every time before and after running
  • Stick to proper running techniques
  • Increase the workout intensity by a maximum of 10 percent everyday
  • Do not exceed the workout limit 
  • Use running speciality shoes and replace them whenever necessary 
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