15 Best Butt Exercises; Get a Firm Behind Using These Workouts

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Apr 07, 2015 08:52 AM EDT

Below are some booty-shaping exercises for a nice firm behind.  

#1: Alternating Back Kicks 

First turn to the side with one arm holding the upper half of the body, while the legs are bent at the knees. To workout out the butt, simply extend the leg outward. Using both hands for support, face downward, while extending the leg upward away from the body, reports Health.

#2: Donkey Lifts 

Red Book states that this exercise also works out the thighs and abs. Start on all fours and then hold the body up by the toes on one bent leg; while the other is bent at a 90-degree angle and lifted upwards, holding a towel behind the knee. 

#3: Single-Leg Split Squat 

This exercise is part of Yahoo's 3-part butt workout. For these exerises, a Swiss ball is needed. To do this particular exercise, simply place a foot on the ball with the shoelaces facing its surface. Then bend the other leg that is supporting the body. 

#4: Hip Bridge Swiss Ball 

This is the second part of Yahoo's butt workout. Start by laying flat on the ground and simply placing both feet on the ball, with the heels touching the surface. Then, lift the hips upwards while keeping the arms flat on the floor. 

#5: Swiss Ball Wall Squat  

The last part of the Yahoo workout is to place the ball between the back of the body and a wall. Press against the ball using the legs and simply squat down. 

#6: Body-Roll Squat 

Place feet hip-width apart. Then, with knees slightly bent, squat down and lean the body forward as much as possible, advises Health. 

#7: Knee-ins 

Red Book says to lie on the side for this exercise. One elbow is holding up the body while the other is bent with the hand behind the head. Keep the knees bent at a 90-degree angle. Then, working with the leg that is not supporting the body, draw the knee into the chest and repeat. 

#8: Arabesque 

In standing position, place feet hip-width apart. Reach one arm up while the corresponding leg is lifted up and back about 5-7 inches, advises Fitness Magazine.

#9: Butt Sculptor 

Stand a few paces behind a chair. Then, place the head on the back of the chair above crossed forearms.  With the thighs turned outward, lift a leg up with knees bent at 90 degrees, says Red Book. 

#10: Butt Kicker

For this exercise, Fitness Magazine says to "get down on all fours." Then flex the knee at a 90-degree angle and lift it up.  

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