10 Detox Breakfasts to Start the Day Out Right

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May 07, 2015 05:52 AM EDT

Detoxifying can be quite beneficial to the body. Linda Page, ND, PhD, a naturopathic doctor, said that detoxifying is a way to cleanse the body, report Web MD. Below is a list of detox breakfast recipes and tips for a fresh, clean start every morning. 

#1: Green Tea 

Green tea increases the production rate of detoxifying enzyme. It can also help keep the liver healthy, reports Pop Sugar

#2: A bowl of Oatmeal 

Whole grains like the ones found in oatmeal keep the body satisfied longer which helps during a detox, states Pop Sugar. For some oatmeal recipes and ideas, click here.  

#3: Apple Bloomfield's Porridge 

Porridge is made out of whole grains. This particular recipe can be found on Fox News, here. For other warm whole grain recipes, click here. 

#4: Egg White Breakfast "Pizza" 

This creative recipe for a detox pizza was suggested by Fox News.  The instructions and the ingredients for this recipe can be found here.

#5: Add Asparagus to Breakfast 

According to Pop Sugar, asparagus helps achieve a flat belly because is it full of "debloating" fiber. It keeps the digestive tract healthy with prebiotics and probiotics. 

#6: Juicing  

Right now making and drinking juice is popular in the health world. Pop Sugar says that "drinking green juice or smoothie can help you get the daily nutrients you need." A detoxifying juice should include watercress, spinach and lemon. A detox green juice recipe can be found here. 

#7: Lemon Blueberry Coconut Pancakes 

For people who cannot live without pancakes for breakfast, this is the perfect recipe. According to Fox News, coconuts, found in this recipe, have the ability to rid the body of toxins. This pancake recipe is both wheat free and dairy free. The recipe can be found here. 

#8: Chia Seeds 

These seeds are high in omega-3 fatty acids and fiber, reports Pop Sugar. Fox News adds, "Chia seeds help the body detox and aid in the reduction of cholesterol on arterial walls." A recipe for a nice energy drink made with chia seeds can be found here. 

#9: Frut Salad 

Fruits in general have a natural detoxing properties, reports Pop Sugar. For a delicious fruit salad recipe topped with maple syrup, click here. 

#10:  Apple Cider Vinegar 

Apple cider vinegar helps increase energy and improves digestion, states Pop Sugar. A apple cider vinegar and cranberry drink recipe can be found here. 

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