5 weight loss exercise tricks for the fall season

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Sep 04, 2015 06:48 AM EDT
Tags workout

No matter what time of the year, it's always great to make healthier choices by choosing to start working out, no matter how small the steps you're taking towards fitness. This fall, as kids go back to school and leave you with more wiggle room around the house, or simply a better backdrop for your outdoor jog, here are some great ideas to get your body motivated to get fit.

1. Harness the potential of working out at home. If you're not one to invest in gym memberships and the like, take tiny steps without leaving your house. People reports that according to celebrity trainer Derek DeGrazio of Barry’s Bootcamp Miami Beach (who trains Adriana Lima and Ellie Goulding), if you're catching up with your favorite TV shows, get planking! According to him, commercials are around 180 to 240 seconds long, so you can squeeze in a regular plank and two side planks, which you can each hold for 45 seconds each, with a tiny break in between.

Another trick, according to the Huffington Post, is doing living room aerobics. All you need is 15 to 20 minutes for a quick workout. Check out Hulu for free workout tutorials or even the POPSugar Fitness channel on YouTube.

2. Make a plan, and then commit. WebMD reports that according to Chris Freytag, a fitness instructor and fitness expert at Prevention magazine, "You have to start planning exercise, just like you do everything else. Put in on the calendar, because later always turns into never."

Justin Price, owner of The Biomechanics, a personal training and wellness coaching facility in San Diego, California, explained: "It takes about four weeks for the body to adapt to lifestyle changes. Try to stick with a program for a month. After a month, behavior patterns will have adapted and it will be much easier to stick with it after that."

3. For those whose days are mostly spent in the office, DeGrazio recommended taking the stairs two steps at a time to tone your legs and burn more calories. If you're at your desk for most of the day, take a walk around the floor once every hour to get your blood flowing. Once you're back at your desk, stand with your back against the wall and sit at a 90-degree angle. Hold this position for 60 seconds.

4. Fitness is also about nutrition, so make sure you take advantage of fall produce that are rich in vitamins and minerals that will complement your healthy lifestyle.

5. Pursue activities that would help you enjoy the weather. Nature can definitely help you feel better! Todd Durkin, MS, fitness coach and owner of Fitness Quest 10 in San Diego, California, recommended, "Walking, hiking and cycling are all awesome in the fall. It's a great time to do beach activities because it's so much less crowded."

Lastly, motivate yourself. Define your goals, whether it's weight loss, strengthening, toning, preparing for a marathon, or simply improving your lifestyle. Durkin said: "People are motivated by different things." Make sure you understand that your goals will require work.

"Tell me something you can do three times a week for 10 minutes and be great at? It doesn't exist. If it was easy to be great, everybody would be great," he added.

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