'Metal Gear Solid V' Guide: how to get the most out of Mother Base

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Sep 07, 2015 06:42 AM EDT

By now, every gamer who is planning on playing "Metal Gear Solid: The Phantom Pain" knows that upgrading Mother Base is essential. IGN explains that Mother Base was nearly annihilated and attacked after the events of Ground Zeroes. As a result, Snake has to rebuild his home in MGSV with the help of Kaz Miller and Ocelot.

Before anything, gamers must know the several departments that run Mother Base. These departments include: Research and Development, Intel, the Medical Department, Support Platform, the Combat Unit, and the Base Development.

Each department has certain responsibilities. Research and Development make new weapons and equipment; Intel is in charge of information and locates resources needed for various upgrades; and the Medical Department is responsible for everyone's health in Mother Base.

Meanwhile, the Support Platform can improve supply drops and artillery strikes, and the Combat Unit is in charge of man combat deployment missions, which are important for making money in the game. Lastly, Base Development adds materials, which contribute to the growth of Mother Base.

Each department will need a staff, which are usually made up of soldiers and personnel that Snake either recruits, kidnaps or frees from prison during his missions. Staff members can be assigned to certain departments based on their skill set.

The better matched staff members are to their respective departments, the better Mother Base functions. Although, staff members can always be moved around if needed. For instance if one department lacks personnel, gamers can temporarily move staff members to that department.

Pixel Dynamo recommends visiting that staff at Mother Base once in a while to build up moral, which in turn boosts productivity. Micromanaging your staff might also be beneficial. However, for gamers who do not want to spend too much time assigning staff, there is an auto-assign function, states IGN.

One of the most important features of Mother Base is that it can make weapons and items, reports MMGN.com. After playing for a certain amount of time, gamers will gain access to a specific category, labeled "Development Requirements Met." This new category will appear under the "Development" menu in Snake's iDroid, a device which allows gamers to manage and customize Mother Base.

There are two types of attributes that gamers can tinker with on their manufactured weapons and items: specs and enhancements. Specs has to do with the damage, impact force, penetration, firing speed, effective range, grouping and auto-aim correction of a weapon or item. Whereas, enhancements deal more with the attachments and accessories of the weapon or item.

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