Beauty secrets & tips: 5 olive oil hacks every woman should know about

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Sep 15, 2015 07:01 AM EDT

Olive oil is known to aid in the prevention of cardiovascular disease and the promotion of good health but did you know that it can also be a natural beauty ingredient, which can be added to every woman's beauty routine? Cleopatra has even been reported to have used this kitchen staple since ancient times, when technology and beauty products were rare and hard to find.

Here is a list of five olive oil beauty hacks every woman should know about and incorporate in their beauty regimen.


For luscious and kissable puckers, Allure Magazine shares that you can combine olive oil with coarse sugar to act as a chapped lips fixer. To make the recipe a natural exfoliator, you can add a splash of freshly squeezed lemon juice. Furthermore, it can double as a body scrub to help remove unwanted dead skin.


Tired of your hair looking flat, dull and lacking luster? Pop Sugar writes that instead of buying that latest hair serum product, try rubbing a few drops of olive oil to fix flyaway ends or act as an extra glossy end after taking a bath.


Bustle reports that besides being eco-friendly, olive oil has almost the same structure of our body oil, thus it can be efficiently and easily absorbed by the skin. It is rich in antioxidants and vitamins, that is why it is one of the best natural beauty remedies for the face. By simply adding sugar (if you have sensitive skin) or salt to olive oil, you have an affordable and very effective facial cleanser.


Allure adds that as olive oil can easily mix with oil-based products, it can certainly act as a mild eye make-up remover. Simply put a couple of drops of olive oil on cotton pad or balls, wipe away the make-up from your eyes, cheeks and neck, then wash away the oil with warm water. Voila! You'll be make-up free in time for a good beauty rest.


Pop Sugar adds that if you wish to grow stronger and well-maintained nails, then all you have to do is simply use olive oil on your nails to act as cuticle softener. What more, you can put some on your hands to extend its use as a hand moisturizer as well. You can also have a bottle of it near the sink for post-sanitation moisture.

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