5 reasons why a three-day weekend is good for you

By Lois D. Medrano | Oct 12, 2015 | 06:25 AM EDT

5 reasons why a three-day weekend is good for you

Do you feel refreshed after spending a three-day weekend away from the city or even after a staycation in a nearby hotel or resort? Well, you are not alone and apparently, science has already made several studies suggesting that employees who have a shorter workweek have better productivity and enthusiasm shown in the workplace.

CNN writes that based on an American report from the Families and Work Institute, 43 percent of over 1000 employees have been given the privilege of compressed workweeks, making them able to enjoy a work-life balance.

If your workplace is still not giving in, then here is a list of reasons why a three-day weekend or a shorter workweek is better and good for employees.

1) Employees will be healthier

CNN adds that long hours in the workplace can affect the heart health of employees, linking a higher risk of developing heart diseases than employees who only work less than ten hours a day. The Lancet has even published a study stating that 33 percent of people have higher stroke risk if they work 55 or more hours in a week.

2) Companies will have more savings

Bustle writes that as a four-day work week meant less usage of electricity and resources or hiring of cleaning services or technicians, a dramatic drop in costs can be tangible. In fact, state employees in Texas who practice the three-day weekend has reported to saving up to $400,000 annually, helping them keep workers and avoid cost-cutting that may affect productivity and quality of work.

3) Employees will have improved well-being

The Huffington Post shares that if employees are able to take short vacations, it can lead them to find happiness while working. This is backed up by a small study from the Stress and Health journal, stating that four to five days of regular vacation can significantly improve the stress and total whole-being of workers. Best of all, if they are allowed to detach themselves from work completely during their vacations, they return feeling refreshed and better to the office, feeling amped up and ready to work again.

4) Employees will get more sleep

CNN adds that as work hours are decreased, employees will have more time to sleep, avoiding the possible complications brought about by the lack of rest and sleeping time. A study published in the Sleep journal stated that relaxation can help prevent the onset of insomnia as people are given an easier time to sleep.

5) Employees will have lower burnout rates

Bustle adds that studies have shown working long hours every week can jeopardize the health of employees, making them develop chronic insomnia, depression, and heart diseases. Researchers believe these are due to exhaustion, stress and lack of personal time, tiring both the mind and the body. This can lead to employees resigning and looking for more time-friendly jobs.

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