'Game of Thrones' season 6 spoilers, cast news & update: Natalie Dormer reveals Margaery's revenge; George R.R. Martin says ending will be 'bittersweet'

By Mai Peralta | Nov 06, 2015 | 06:00 AM EST

Last season, Margaery Tyrell was stripped of her royal finery together with her brother and were sent to the Black Cell under the Red Keep. Actress Natalie Dorner reveals that the young queen has something up her sleeves in season 6 of "Game of Thrones."

"Margaery is a savvy chick and she's trying to find an angle-she's trying to find a way to get out of that cell so it's pretty amusing and ingenious the route she decides to take," Dormer said in the December issue of Women's Health, Vanity Fair reports.

Her statement basically says that while Margaery may be in prison, she won't stay there for long. In the show, Margaery was imprisoned with her brother Loras Tyrell; she for lying to the High Sparrow and he for sleeping with men. As to how she will escape, the site cites that plot leaks and set images suggest that it may be through the use of force by the child-king, her husband, Tommen Baratheon. The young king is assisted by the man who he knows is his uncle but is his biological father in reality.

This is only one of the possibilities as there have been other reports that Lady Olenna may get involved in Margaery's trials and go back to Highgarden after being absolved. There are also rumors that Margaery may truly become a convert of the religion of the High Sparrow.

In other news, the series may come to an end with the battle of the White Walkers against Dany's dragons as the highlight. As to how the franchise will end, book creator George R.R. Martin states that it will be "bittersweet."

"We all yearn for happy endings in a sense," he said, as reported by US Magazine. "Myself, I'm attracted to the bittersweet ending. People ask me how Game of Thrones is gonna end, and I'm not gonna tell them, but I always say to expect something bittersweet in the end."

He cites J.R.R. Tolkien as being "brilliant" at these types of endings. He explains that everything doesn't turn out the way you want it to be because life is unpredictable.

With a show this massive, it is hard to keep count of who is alive and who is truly dead. Huffington Post reports that HBO released an official book titled "Game of Thrones: The Noble House of Westeros Seasons 1-5."

The outlet states that the book confirms some of the deaths that were unclear to both readers and watchers of the show. The site revealed that princess Myrcella Baratheon is truly dead after being poisoned by Ellaria Sand. As for Stannis Baratheon, the rightful king of the iron throne, he's dead too.

It was also revealed that Syrio Forel, Arya's "Water Dance" instructor, is also dead. It is unclear if former Kingsguard Meryn Trant was the one who dealt the finishing blow.

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