Carrie Fisher’s Death Shows How Heart Disease Haunts Women’s Health

By Hafendra Adam | Dec 28, 2016 | 12:05 PM EST

Carrie Fisher's death by heart attack hits the world by storm when it hits the news earlier today. And many women could be its next victim. Of course it's not only women but men also. But in this case women have the more probability to be affected by this disease.

What differs this particular affliction with heart attacks is the dysfunction of heart's electrical system and this makes the blood not properly pumped

There's a study that states 1 out of 3 women today are living with cardiovascular disease. And what's worse, without them knowing it. While two-thirds of them died of heart attack without showing any previous symptoms. This disease hits women without showing any early symptoms and this makes them not realizing that they are suffering this disease.

There's already a report by Cbs back in 2013 that heart attacks in women are harder to detect than men. In most cases heart diseases can easily be recognized by chest pains. Furthermore, the number shown by this study states that 42-percent of women experienced heart attacks without feeling any chest pains, while men 30-percent. And the mortality rate from the attacks shows women at 14-percent while men 10-percent. There's even a case where a woman gets diagnosed with a heart disease without the typical chest pains, but through a tingle in her left arm. At first she didn't think that she suffers a heart attack.

There are a percentage at ninety-percent where women have heart disease risk factors. But the eighty-percent could be prevented with controlling the risk factors. The heart association suggests the following; not smoking, exercising regularly, consume healthy food and less alcohol and lastly, maintain proper health.

The actress is well-known as Princess Leia Organa in the popular 'Star Wars' franchise. She reportedly collapsed and went into cardiac arrest during a flight from London to Los Angeles on December 23, 2016.

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