Space-Science Predictions For 2017: For Scientists Its An Interesting Year Ahead

By Kumar Rahul (KR) | Jan 02, 2017 | 11:58 AM EST

Space is so vast and deep that thinking of its limit and boundary renders a mind puzzled. Scientists believe all this astrophysics advancement for centuries has only lead to the tip of the endless iceberg that space is.

Dr. Buzz Aldrin the legendary astronaut and only the second man to walk on the moon, as reported by NBC News predicts tough competition in the commercial "race for space" in America's civil, military and industrial space sectors.  

Apart from NASA a number of space companies like SpaceX, Virgin Galactic and Blue Origin are planning to build spaceships and colonize planets. All these startups have garnered positive response from both the scientific community and common public.

The day is not far when all these private companies will be delivering couriers to the far off planets just like Amazon! Space Travel has the biggest commercial potential as it will be an instant hit with those who can afford and dare!

Aldrin also added that Asian superpower China is also on the verge of a number of achievements, including the construction of their own space station, and a journey to moon and back via the robotic Chang'e 5 spacecraft. Another huge possibility is the European Space agency's ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter which might help detect whether the methane present in Mars is a product of certain indigenous microbes or not.

The Italian Dark Matter Experiment (DAMA) may also finally succeed in its mission of finding out what exactly is the dark matter that Universe is majorly made of.

A better grasp over the space dynamics will also make weather forecasting and satellite navigation more accurate, convenient and economical.

According to Telegraph Artificial Intelligence (AI) a concept that has time and again lured technological hierarchy all over the globe, has been of popular use lately. Ranging from Apple's Siri to Microsoft's Cortana and Google's own Google Now, they have been around us as virtual assistants, making our daily life easier and better. There might be tough competition in the new year as almost every organization like Amazon, Facebook along with Apple, Google and Microsoft are going to come out with their own version of intelligent assistants.

This opens up the distant possibility of artificial intelligence or virtual assistants to be incorporated in space science making it possible to fly spaceships without human commands.

All in all, 2017 is being predicted to be a year of technological highs in the field of space science and hopefully it will open new horizons for mankind. The scientific future of the new year definitely looks bright and promising.

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