New Law: Teenagers Are Not Allowed To Buy Cough Syrup

By Sharah Radinka | Jan 05, 2017 | 11:51 AM EST

The first day of 2017, a new law is legalized to ban a youth from buying cough syrups over the counter (OTC). This law is supposed to stop the teenagers from a cough and medicines abuse. Cold medicines abuse? How come? It's just a medicine to help people when a cold's symptoms come. Well, some people do not know that a cough syrup and cold medicines contain an ingredient which causes a mind altering when it consumed higher than it is instructed.

According to the source, an ingredient which usually used in a cough and cold medicine abuse are DXM (Dextromethorphan) and Promethazine-codeine. These ingredients act as a cough expectorant and suppressant and give an effect of relaxation, euphoria, even hallucinations. A result of a study in 2008 found that DXM is used more than ecstasy, cocaine, and other drugs to get high by 10 American teenagers. It is more popular as it is legal, cheap and easy to get. The National Institute on Drug Abuse in 2014 estimated that 2 percent, 3.7 percent, and 4.1 percent among eighth, tenth, and twelfth graders intentionally abuse of OTC a cough and cold medicines

SB (Senate Bill) 938 is a retail sale of DXM; Prohibiting a manufacturer, distributor, retailer, employees, and representatives, from willfully or knowingly selling a finished drug product containing DXM to a person younger than eighteen years old; and prohibiting them from buying a drug product containing DXM, etc. The bill is sponsored by Doug Broxson, a Former State Rep, who will be a state Senator this week. It is passed early first year due to U.S Food and Drug Administration's issues with the ingredient.  

Broxson also said that the prevalence of the issue, which the teenagers abusing a cough and cold medicines is in California, Texas, and Florida. Meanwhile, the best way to reduce the case is by asking the vendor or a clerk to get a proper ID from the buyers. 

The effects of abusing the cold medicines are very dangerous. It causes a faster heart beat, numbness, loss of coordination, even can lead to a death. 

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