Revealed! Lego Batman Hates Hugs (VIDEO)

By Hafendra Adam | Jan 09, 2017 | 10:03 AM EST

The next feature length film featuring DC's Batman will be an animated one, and made by legos. That's a widely known fact, and everybody around the world is excited for the release this year. But little did we know that Batman hates hugs, even from Robin. But he does love guitar though. This fact shown in a latest TV-Spots released by the studio.

'Lego Batman' will stray from its live-action counterparts and it serves as the spin-off of 'The Lego Movie'. Features a comedic approach and fun to watch visuals. Collider reports that the movie will be directed by Chris Mckay, who also involved in the previous 'Lego Movie' alongside Phil Lord and Chris Miller who will be the producers of this movie. While it seems like the movie mainly shows its comedic traits, it's likely that the movie will have a more thematic theme going on according to the trailers. What will it be? It's possible that it's about family and togetherness, but it's only an assumption, we'll have to watch the movie to really get what it's about.

Will Arnett will continue his role as the caped crusader just like he did in the 'Lego Movie'. Alongside Batman's supporting cast just like Alfred (Ralph Fiennes), Robin (Michael Cera), Joker (Zach Galifianakis), Two-Face (Billy Dee Williams), Barbara Gordon (Rosario Dawson) and Harley Quinn (Jenny Slate). And Mariah Carey will lend her voice in the movie as the Mayor McCaskill.

Fun fact : Billy Dee Williams once play as Two-Face's alter ego, Harvey Dent in the 1989 'Batman'.

According to /FILM, 'Lego Batman' is one of the most anticipated movie of 2017. With some states that 2016's BvS is not as good as its expected it to be, this movie hopefully will bring joy to those fans who left disappointed with its live-action predecessor.

'Lego Batman' will release this February 10, 2017

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