5 Surprising Health Benefits of Donating Blood

By N. Gutierrez | Feb 09, 2017 | 06:43 AM EST

Blood donation could be scary for some people. Yet, millions of them still donate blood for the sake of those people in dire need of it. Fortunately, those people could also be aware of besides helping those people in need, they also benefit from donating as well.

According to MSN, blood donation could be good for the heart. It was noted that “donating blood regularly can help to reduce how thick and sticky your blood is.” Thus, blood is then allowed to flow freely through the vessels and reach the heart faster.

Another benefit found out from donating blood is to be weight loose. It was said that donating one pint of blood could burn 650 calories. Yet people shouldn’t treat blood donation as one of the methods to lose weight. Simply perceiving these benefits as motivation is enough. With that said, American Red Cross also stated that for every two seconds, someone in the United States needs blood.

Kirksville Daily Express also identified that The Miller-Keystone Blood Center said that liver, lung, colon, and throat cancers could be reduced. It was found out that removing the excess iron from the body through donating it, would lower the risk of these cancers. Hemochromatosis disease which is iron overload is also reduced.

It was also mentioned that donating blood could also mean a free blood analysis for a person. It was identified that The American Red Cross subjects your blood to tests for syphilis, HIV, hepatitis, and other diseases. Thus, people could already know whether they would still be eligible to donate the next time.

With these healthy benefits enough said, it was clearly pointed out that the healthiest benefit that a person could receive in donating blood would be mental satisfaction. It is known that people would be indeed happy that they have helped other persons in need. To simply put it, donating blood would really mean a big difference in other people’s lives. Thus lead people who donate blood to really be satisfied and happy.

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