Weight Loss Surgery For Effective Weight Loss: Things To Know

By Amita Prakash. J | Feb 17, 2017 | 15:50 PM EST

Obesity or overweight is a major issue which majority of the people across the globe struggle on a daily basis. Bariatric surgery or weight-loss surgery is one of the most effective solutions for all the overweight issue.

The New York Times has reported Laurie K. Twells, a clinical epidemiologist at the Memorial University of Newfoundland, take on weight-loss surgery. With the experience from handling patients with seriously overweight issues and with some research, she supported such an alternate measure of weight loss. According to her , "Bariatric surgery is probably the most effective intervention, we have in health care."

Most of the people who opt for Bariatric surgery are the ones with failed results of their obesity, even after dieting. It has been noted that the people who went through such weight loss surgery tend to have a healthy and quality life post surgery.

According to the Weight Loss Surgery, dieting is not effective for obesity in the long run. Gastric Bypass (Roux-en-Y gastric bypass) or the Gastric Sleeve (Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy) are the two types of weight loss surgery for people with weight issues. Depending on the purpose the individual are free to choose among them.

Even if weight-loss surgery is an effective solution for obesity issue there are certain things which a person should know before going through such a surgical procedure. The majority of the people post surgery can lead a quality life, but there is a possibility of some to fall into depression after the surgery.

Going through weight-loss surgery can cause sagging of skin may need a corrective surgery, which is very expensive. The corrective surgery can cost around $4000 and above, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

There is a list of things which an individual who goes through weight-loss surgery need to be aware of. A properly controlled diet and a healthy regime are a must for such individuals. There is a tendency to increase alcohol consumption for such individuals.

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