Must Read: Exoplanets Raise Possibility Of Aliens’ Arrival On Earth: NASA Discovery Surprises All!

By partha das | Feb 26, 2017 | 22:51 PM EST

NASA has recently discovered seven exoplanets that create the possibility of the existence of aliens. Some enthusiasts say that this discovery indicates the probability of the alien's arrival on Earth.

NASA recently explored seven planets that revolve around a star. The whole scenario resembles like the solar family. Astronomers believe that some of these exoplanets must have water and it raises the probability of the existence of the aliens.

Planets that are existing outside the solar system are called exoplanets. The first planet outside the solar system was discovered in 1988 and now the total number of the exoplanets found by the scientists exceeds 3,500. These planets must move around some stars.

The recently discovered exoplanets revolve around a star named TRAPPIST-1. The distance between this star and the Earth is only 40 light-years. The most surprising fact is those seven planets belong to the "Goldilocks Zone".

This zone is habitable and so the exoplanets may contain watery oceans that can explore the probability of life there. This is the first time when the scientists have discovered planets outside the solar family that resembles like Earth. Nature journal reported that TRAPPIST-1, the star of these planets, is not so warm.

Spitzer Space Telescope was the key part to discover these exoplanets. Nature Journal also revealed that TRAPPIST-1 has almost the same size like the Jupiter. The journal also unveils that the temperature of the planets is perfect enough to contain liquid water on the surface.

Trappist robotic telescope in Chile first explored the shadow of this new family of exoplanets. The name TRAPPIST-1 was given by the scientists after the name of this robotic telescope. The Telegraph reported that three of these outer planets may contain watery oceans.

The key reason behind this assumption about the three exoplanets is the temperature of the TRAPPIST-1. This star is two hundred times dimmer than the Sun. Scientists assume that the star is salmon colored and has a red glow.

Now it is not yet clear whether the exoplanets have the existence of alien life or not. Speculations and discussions are high among the enthusiasts. Frankly speaking, more research is necessary to get the final conclusion.

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