5 Superfoods to Keep Ulcerative Colitis Attacks At Bay

By Arunima Basu | Mar 07, 2017 | 12:08 PM EST

A standard feature of Ulcerative Colitis, a type of bowel disease that leads to inflammation of the colon, is the flare-up symptom. The sudden come and go of abdominal pain can act as a significant deterrent. The best way to avoid such flare-ups is to opt for foods that are low in fiber and are easy to digest.

Go low on residue but high on taste

Low residue diet is the key word for harnessing Ulcerative Colitis. The objective is to consume food with essential nutrients minus any aggravation of the digestive tract. Sounds boring? Not at all! With these Superfoods, you can turn your healthy meal tasty too. All you need is your imaginative power and creativity.

Place your bet on Yogurt

According to Everyday Health, this miracle maker can boost up any of your diets. Yogurt and fermented foods like Kefir are high on probiotics and thus are essential for patients suffering from Ulcerative Colitis. Craving that white sauce, ditch it for a yogurt mix. Add a small dollop of mayonnaise and mustard with a pinch of pepper. Chances are you would not want the go back to the frothy white sauce.

Squash it right!

Squashes like zucchini and cucumber make for delicious health drinks. Put them in the blender and add water and lime zest. It's that simple. With the summer coming this will surely become your must-have a seasonal refresher, revealed WbMd.

Fish and greens

Fish and chips have become ancient history. Try this new colorful avatar. Lay your petite salmon on a bed of green spinach. To be on the safer side, go for sautéed carrots and onion rings.

The egg factor

A dash of olive oil in water is good enough to create a soft, creamy scrambled egg. Add dried parsley to the mix, and you are ready to go.

These superfoods will not put pressure on your digestive system and will do their best to keep abdominal pain due to Ulcerative Colitis at bay.

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