Taco Cleanse Weight Loss: 5 Things You Should Know Before Trying The Diet

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Jan 08, 2016 05:25 AM EST

The number of overweight and obese individuals is growing. For this reason, many are venturing to lose weight. However, shedding the extra pounds is quite challenging. Among the most effective ways to lose weight is a cleanse diet, but did you know that there's a new cleanse diet that uses your favorite taco?

Yes, you read it right! It uses tacos. A self-proclaimed "taco scientist" from Austin, Texas discovered a new cleanse diet that will not deprive you of your favorite food. They call the plan the 30-day Taco Cleanse that provides more than 75 vegan recipes with a twist on a favorite dish in South Texas, Kens5 reported.

The book "The Taco Cleanse" claimed that the diet will "Bring all your levels to new heights and increase your nutrimatter content a thousandfold."

Aaron Tarpley, a taco lover, expressed his thoughts about the struggle of juice cleansing over taco cleansing. "A juice cleanse? Who wants to drink juice all day? Unless it's a taco," he said. According to culinary students, tacos are versatile it can be used in many different ways to cater to one's diet.

A Taco Cleanse is promising, but here are five facts that you should know before trying this diet per Cosmopolitan.

  1. You need to eat tacos for every single meal you need to take. In the morning eat tacos for breakfast, for lunch, you will have another round of tacos and, again, another taco for dinner. It is literally tacos all day, every day. If you are not 100 percent committed to this taco lifestyle, think twice.
  2. The Taco scientists are not convinced with detox. Taco scientist and co-author Stephanie Bogdanich said that cleansing and detoxing are words that health industry use from medical science. When real doctors use those words, they meant extracting real poisons from one's body.
  3. It does not guarantee weight loss. Taco Cleanse is not about weight loss it is about feeling your best.
  4. It is 100 percent vegan - If you don't eat vegetables, do not consider this plan. Taco scientist is encouraging and teaching readers to remake and replace popular staples like picadillo, tacos al pastor, carne guisada and fish tacos with plants. Yes, it is all about vegetables.
  5. Taco Cleanse is not a joke - According to CBS News, the book is the number one best seller in Amazon's "Cooking Humor" category. However, although it is written in silly, funny, witty and light-hearted words the message is serious. The authors wanted their readers to live their best lives without depriving their bodies with life-sustaining food.

What do you think of the Taco Cleanse plan after reading this? Are you ready to start it? Share your thoughts in the comment section below.

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