Detox Teas: Healthy Or Not? Benefits, Side Effects & What You Need to Know

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Jun 24, 2015 08:59 AM EDT

Is teatox or tea detox effective for losing weight? If it is, is it healthy? Know the skinny things about this fad diet, its side effects and other things you need to know.

Detox is short for detoxification, and it means purging the body from toxic or unhealthy substances. There are many ways to cleanse the body and the newest and trendiest way to do it now is through tea detox or teatox. According to Shape, tea tox claims to promote weight loss, detoxification, and increased energy.

Although there are studies that show that drinking flavonoid-rich teas can be good for the body (brain, heart, skin, bones) and protects against weight gain, certain cancers and type 2 diabetes, there is no scientific evidence that prove that teatox is safe or effective.

According to Kids Health, detox diets may vary and are basically similar to any other diet fads. It could result in harmful side effects as it centers on some form of fasting for several days and then eating certain types of food to complete the diet. There is also no scientific proof that detox teas could help eliminate wastes and toxins faster.

Here are other things you need to know about tea tox:

Senna in teas does not promote weight loss

Senna in some teas does not actually promote weight loss at all. What it does is that it produces a laxative effect by irritating the stomach lining that can cause diarrhea, cramps, and stomach discomfort. Using it for more than 10 days (found in most teatox plans) may cause liver damage, heart problems, and muscle weakness to name a few, according to Shape.

You're not actually losing fat, just water weight

Some teas can be diuretic, meaning it can stimulate increased urination. Losing water weight can make the body feel lighter but only by shedding water, according to Huffington Post.

Detox teas are not recommended for teens and people with health conditions

Teens need to meet certain dietary requirements in order to develop properly and similarly, people with health conditions need to eat carefully and properly to maintain their health. Detox teas and diets are not recommended as it involves fasting and eating certain foods over and over again, according to Kids Health.

The body alone can get rid of toxins

According to WebMD, toxins don't accumulate in the liver, kidneys or any other part of the body. The only way to "cleanse" the body is to restrict the intake of processed, high-fat, and sugary foods and eating more fruits and vegetables and exercising.

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