Breast Cancer Can Be Cured With Chillies: Chillies Can Kill Cancer Cells

By Amita Prakash. J | Jan 03, 2017 | 19:11 PM EST

After the revolutionary discovery of cancer treatment through Metformin and anti-hypertension drugs, here is another discovery of the medical field for the cure of Cancer. Breast cancer, one of the haunting Cancer among women, can be treated through chillies. Capsaicin, an active content in chilly converted to pills mixed with other drugs can act as an effective medicine for breast Cancer.

Capsaicin is not effective when it is consumed as such and not converted as a pill. In a journal called Breast Cancer-Targets and Therapy, Dr. Lea Weber has explained his study on the same. It has discovered that Capsaicin in chilli have the ability to destroy the cancer cells by surrounding them.

As per the information from the Maily Online, caspsaicin can be very effective not only for the treatment of cancer in the breast, but also in areas like colon, bone and pancreatic. The ingredient in chilli is very much effective to fight against breast cancer

 Even the researchers from Ruhr-University in Bochum, Germany, also supports the fact that Caspsaicin in chilli act as a cancer destructive agent. They have conducted a test on breast cancer cell samples with capsaicin of chilli to find out the ability of the ingredient to act against the cancer cells.

When the ingredient of chilli reacts badly to the cancer cells, the normal cells are not affected by them. A cell receptor called the TRPV1 is triggered by capsaicin, which controls the growth stimulators of the cancer cells. And like that capsaicin in chilli act as a destroyer of the cancer cells.

Dr. Lea Weber tested the TRPV1 ligand, also known as capsaicin in different breast cancer cells to identify the effect of the ingredient. And the findings were supported by the findings of other scientists study on chillies ingredient capsaicin's stimulation against breast cancer. So it's like the solution for Breast Cancer is in our kitchen.


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