Recommended Low-Sugar Breakfast: What Are The Superfoods Advised To Be Consumed To Start The Day

By Caroline Soriano | Feb 15, 2017 | 01:00 AM EST

Breakfast cereals are packed with a high amount of sugar, however, its PR and marketing make it seems like it is not unhealthy, instead it is a wise choice. But the truth is, the best form of cereal is porridge oats and nothing more. This is because having low-sugar breakfast help one to become more productive. Aside from oats, there are other foods with less sugar that is best taken during breakfast.

One of the best breakfast options is eggs and it can be consumed in poached, fried, or scrambled with mushrooms, spinach, and tomatoes. It can also be paired with asparagus or wholemeal toast soldiers to guarantee high fiber portion necessary for the day.

Having a bowl of yogurt is also a recommended breakfast food, however, it's best to have the natural Greek yogurt or coconut yogurt rather than the other options. Two to three large tablespoon of it can be mixed with fresh or frozen berries with a sprinkle of pumpkin or chia seeds for additional fiber and protein.

Also, according to Daily Mail Online, having breakfast smoothies works well too and it can be made of coconut or Greek yogurt and combinations of oats, nut butter, any 2 vegetables and 1 part of seasonal fruits. For an increase of protein, a scoop of high-quality powder can be mixed in the breakfast smoothie too.

A toasted sourdough also claims to be a superfood together with smashed avocado, fresh lemon juice, chili flakes, salt, pepper, and a drizzle of olive oil. The best sourdough needs to be stone ground and yeast-free and as much as possible, it;s best to stick to it.

As PopSugar stated, it;s best to start the day with less sugar as high sugar intake only causes a person to become cranky and feel sluggish all morning. Lessening sugar consumption may be hard at first, however, with will, determination, and consistency, it can all be achieved easily.

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