Testosterone Treatment Long Term Benefit & Risks: Strengthen Bones and Anemia for Aging Men But Does NOT Improve Memory, Study Says

By N. Gutierrez | Feb 22, 2017 | 06:49 AM EST

Having low testosterone levels as men age result to some to take testosterone therapy treatments. As some know that benefits include increasing bone density and anemia, a study debunks the myth that it improves men’s memory and cognition.

According to, Medical Express, a research group had four overall published study that conducts The Testosterone Trials (TTrials.) In which the seven trials that were conducted aims to determine the long-term effects of testosterone on aging men with low testosterone levels.

Hence, the group then screened men 51,085 men to find 790 who has low testosterone levels and those who qualify for their remaining criteria to participate in the study. Co-author and researcher of the study, Ronald S. Swerdloff, MD, of LA BioMed noted that "We want to emphasize that this study was exploratory and emphasizes the need for a large-scale, well-controlled, long-term safety trial to determine if there is an increased risk of heart damage or death."

With that said Daily Mail, reported that the second study was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association and JAMA Internal Medicine. In which nearly 800 U.S. men aged 65 and older with low testosterone levels were assessed. The study then separated the group with the half using fake testosterone placebo gel and the other half used the real testosterone daily treatment.

Thus, the study then assessed 500 men with age-related memory decline based on the tests conducted. The study then mentioned that testosterone indeed doesn’t have an effect on the brain. Another thing that was found out due to bone imaging tests is that 200 men which are on testosterone have shown results with increased bone density and strength after the tests.

Moreover, 126 men with anemia had been reported that 60 percent of men on testosterone had their anemia vanished compared with the fake gel group with 22 percent. Yet amid conclusions, the researchers mentioned that overall health benefit of the testosterone and a fake gel is yet to be determined.

On the contrary, it was identified that after one year of use, an estimate of 140 men who had used the real thing had shown more plaque buildup. With that said narrower arteries have also surfaced with testosterone use compared to those with fake gel.

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